Ethelbert Safe Return to School September 2020
The following document outlines Ethelbert School’s return to school plan for students and families. The plan is designed to provide a safe learning environment for everyone at Ethelbert school. Please read this document and be aware of it contents to help assist in creating a safe environment. With everybody doing their part we hope to provide an uninterrupted education experience.
School Day Structure
Ethelbert School will be divided into two cohorts. Kindergarten to Grade 6, consisting of approximately 58 students will be one cohort and students in grades 7 to 12, approximately 42 students will comprise the other cohort. The Cohorts were created to limit the mixing of individuals and to support social distancing.
The cohorts will remain in their designated areas and classrooms for the school day.
***(Important) Prior to leaving home***
- Students will need to self-screen at home before coming to school. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that self-screening occurs prior to the student arriving at school. . If you child does not feel well do not send them to school.
- Parents and guardians must ensure that the student has an alternate means of transportation if the student were to become ill at school. The student cannot be transported by bus or staff if they become sick. If alternate transportation is not available for that day careful consideration should be made regarding student attendance for that day.
Arrival time – 8:40 am for all students. Staff will meet the buses for staggered unloading. Students will proceed directly to their designated classroom. Students must remain in their classroom until all buses have been off loaded.
Departure – 3:30pm. Students will be directed by staff when to proceed for departure. Dismissal starts with staggered loading of bus co horts, followed by the dismissal of town students. Parents who are picking up their child must inform the office and pick up their child at the main orange doors.
Recess - Recess for the K to 6 cohort is scheduled at the regular times and will be outside weather permitting. Supervisors will monitor social distancing of students. Play structure and equipment use will be scheduled. Each classroom will have staggered departures and designated exit/entry areas. When recess ends students will line up outside in their designated area and wait for staff to permit entry.
Lunches –The K to 6 cohort will have lunch in their classroom from 12 to 12:30. Students are encouraged not to bring Microwaveable food as microwaves will be limited or possibly not accessible. The grade 7 to 12 cohort will have lunch from 12 to 1:00 pm in the multipurpose room. Town students in grades 7 to 12 are strongly encouraged to have lunch at home if possible.
The gym will be closed during lunch hour. Students must remain in the designated area (multi purpose room) during the lunch hour. Students must practice social distancing and not congregate in the hallways. Access to technology will be made possible at this time.
Breaks – Breaks for the grade 7 to 12 cohorts will be at the regular times students will not be allowed to congregate in the hallways. Maximum of 4 students in the washroom facilities at one time.
Water Fountains – Only touchless water fountains are available for student use. Students will need to bring a water bottle to school. Grades K to 6 will use the north side water fountain and grades 7 to 12 will have access to the south side water fountain.
Spares – Highschool students who have a spare class during the day will be required to report to a designated area. Town students are asked to go home during this time.
Physical Distancing Strategies (classroom and facility)
Students in all grade levels other than kindergarten will have individual desks that are spaced a minimum of 1 meter apart.
Students will be reminded to maintain physical distancing when in the hallways and are only allowed in designated hallways and open areas. Staff will remind students during recess time to maintain proper distancing.
For the majority of classes other than Phys- Ed and Video Conferencing staff will move to deliver programing to the students.
Handwashing – Another important strategy prevent contracting COVID -19 is to wash or sanitize hands regularly. Students in k to 6 have access to a sink in most classrooms for hand washing. All classrooms will have hand sanitizer available for use. Teachers will incorporate opportunities for regularly scheduled hand washing/sanitizing throughout the day.
Masks – Currently it is mandated by the provincial government that all students in grades 4 to 12 must wear a protective mask. Masks will be provided by the school to students who have do not have one. Masks must also be worn by students who are riding the bus.
Learning Plan
Supplies and Belongings Students supplies will be kept in a designated area within the classroom to be accessed only by that individual student. Lockers are currently not available for use for the grade 7 to 12 students. Students are encouraged to bring a backpack to school to use as a place to store loose belongings.
Currently Ethelbert School is able to provide regular full time programing for all students. Students with health conditions will be provided with materials and instruction thorough remote learning. Students who require this service will need to provide a medical note to the school.
Mental Health/Well Being – Students will continue to have access to support provided by guidance and student services.
Professional Learning Priorities – K to 6 regular classroom instruction in all subject areas
7 to 12 regular classroom instruction in all subject areas
Apprenticeship/Work Placements – Will be facilitated with direction from the Apprenticeship and Work placement coordinator.
Use of Common Areas
Use of Common areas will be limited. The gymnasium will only facilitate Physical Education classes to allow for appropriate cleaning and maintenance to take place between classes.
The Library visits will be scheduled by class or the librarian will visit classrooms to provide library services.
Public Access
We request that anyone who is not a staff or student refrain from entering the school. We ask that people who need to access/visit the school contact the school prior to their arrival. Visitors will enter through the orange main doors and report directly to the office. They must sign in at the office. Visitors must follow distancing and sanitizing protocol when in the building.
Safety Planning
Sanitization/Cleaning – Protocol as set by the Mountain View School Division will be followed. This will include scheduled cleaning of washroom facilities and high touch areas.
Hygiene Practices – Protocol as set by Manitoba Health and Mountain View School Division will be followed. This will include provision of hand sanitizer in all classrooms and designated hand washing and hand sanitizing breaks. Approved sanitizing product will be used before and after students engage in the use of I pads or laptop computers. Staff will support and remind students of the appropriate hygiene practices.
Symptomatic Staff/Students – Students who become symptomatic in the school will be escorted to the sick room and the parent/guardian will be contacted to come and pick up their child. The parent/guardian will be expected to follow the protocol of Manitoba Health.
Regular communication of protocols and measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within schools will be communicated to staff and students through in-person meetings at the school site and regular electronic communication to staff and families. The MVSD website and social media platforms will also be kept up-to-date. As well as letters and social media posts, short video messages will continue to be provided over multiple platforms to staff and families providing regular updates as the situation develops and changes.